HTML Codes

HTML Codes > Ignore-Me Code
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Usage Recommendation
Don't use it. thumbs down

<COMMENT> is an old Mosaic and Microsoft Internet Explorer tag. It's a nice tag, but it was implemented in a weird way and never really caught on. Don't use it. <COMMENT> causes the browser to ignore everything between <COMMENT> and </COMMENT> . Unfortunately, because Netscape does not recognize the tag, most people will see those embarrassing comments:

Plans for improving this page:
 - stop writing pages in the nude
 - learn to spell

gives us

Plans for improving this page: - stop writing pages in the nude - learn to spell

<COMMENT> only ignores text which is not in a tag. For example,

Plans for improving this page:
 - <B>GOT</B> to stop writing pages in the nude
 - learn to spell

prints the GOT part:

Plans for improving this page: - GOT to stop writing pages in the nude - learn to spell

No word yet on whether this is considered a bug or a feature.

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