HTML Codes

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Attribute for <DL ...>

Usage Recommendation
use it, but watch for overformatting

COMPACT tells the browser to try to take up less space rendering the definition list. This is usually done by not putting a carriage return after very short terms.

<DT>Internet Engineering Task Force
 <DD>An organization which establishes technical standards for the Internet
 <DD>Often used as a prefix to indicate the electronic version of something
 <DD>annoying email and news postings which waste time and bandwidth


Internet Engineering Task Force
An organization which establishes technical standards for the Internet
Often used as a prefix to indicate the electronic version of something
annoying email and news postings which waste time and bandwidth

The term e and its definition are probably on the same line. However, Internet Engineering Task Force is probably rendered exactly the same way as it is without COMPACT . In practice, COMPACT doesn't usually save much space, and it makes the definition list harder to read.

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