HTML Codes

HTML Codes > Document Tags
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illustrates the two sections in HTML: HEAD and BODY Within <HTML> , the document has two sections to it: <HEAD> and <BODY ...> . <HEAD> is like the cover page of the document. Just as the cover page of a book contains information about the book (such as the title), the <HEAD> section contains information about the document. This information is communicated through the <TITLE> tag (which is required) and the <LINK ...> and <META ...> tags.

A simple document might look like this:

this code produces this
<TITLE>My Home Page</TITLE>
<H1>My Home Page</H1>
Hi there!
this page

A more slightly complicated document which uses <LINK ...> and <META ...> might look like this:

this code produces this
<TITLE>My Home Page</TITLE>
<LINK REL=HOME HREF="/tags/index.html">
<H1>My Home Page</H1>
Hi there!
this page

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