HTML Codes

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<SPACER ...>

Usage Recommendation
Use it, but don't rely on it.

Occasionally you will find that you want to put some empty space into your document to spread things out. Frequently this has been done with <IMG ...> by using "invisible" images which are either entirely transparent, or are the same color as the background. Unfortunately, both of these methods are unreliable. <SPACER ...> is Netscape's answer to this need for including blank space in your document. <SPACER ...> is like an image, except that there is not actually a picture in the space where the image would be.

You must specify the spacer as one of three types: vertical ; horizontal ; and block , which is both vertical and horizontal. Use the TYPE attribute to do this.

Here's a few examples of <SPACER ...> using various attributes:

this code produces this
hey man hey man 


hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man hey man hey man
hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man
hey man hey man hey man

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